Friday 30 October 2015

Introducing Qwerty Seymore

Qwerty Sean Seymore came to this world some time around 2004. He was born 12, almost 13, as an orphan (it was one of those special, miracle births only authors will understand...), raised by his uncle Matt in a small village of Corfe Castle, England. He's rather slim, with dark hair and big eyebrows, often knitted into a dangerous "V". His eyes are brown, turning black every time he's angry. His best feature? Smile. Not many people can resist its charm. 
Qwerty Seymore - by Gino
His life used to be quiet and fairly pleasant, with his only guardian always buried under a pile of poetry books. But too soon Matthew Seymore dies of cancer and then all Hell breaks loose - not only Qwerty has to move in with his aunt Adela, uncle Donald, and their nasty children, Sebastian and Dolores Gibble, but also starts hearing voices... Chased by strange enemies he knows nothing about and haunted by a small, leather-bound book Matt had left him, Qwerty discovers the truth about himself...

Donald and Adela Gibble - he's an estate agent, and she is quite horrible. By Gino

And as is the case with various truths, it hurts. Especially when a ghostly hand grabs him by the throat, and Josh Ferguson, the school bully, swears to play with Qwerty's ribs, and rearrange them with a fist.

On top of everything, thanks to his newly acquired friends, he emerges as a very talented telekinetic. This means he can move objects with his mind. Yeah, he didn't believe it, either.

Qwerty had been 13 for about eleven years, waiting to grow up, until this year. In 2015 the series of his adventures practically wrote itself. His talents developed and he was forced to fight against his enemies and himself, attempting to control his powers and not kill people on the way. He's not entirely a good boy, you know...

"Qwerty: The History" is now available on Amazon and Kindle.

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