Friday 30 October 2015

Is writing your life? Or are you just cliché?

You know how people say that writing is their life? It is true and I can relate. But it has become a cliché, I feel. Even though you do actually spend your entire time in a dream world. Normal people go out there, conclude business, have children, drink, socialise... Not you. But, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the fact that you're actually having a blast. Therefore, I come out with another revolutionary statement: writing is fun (it's the bloody proofreading that gets frustrating...)

That's how fun it gets...
I think these days it sort of became a glorified profession. You write a book, you publish it, you want to promote it and make money. And tell all friends you haven't got (because you're too busy writing) that you are, in fact, a writer.

I do it. A lot. I mean, I wrote, like, six books in six months, believe it or not. But it's still a hobby. Sure, I want to promote it and, above all, I want to you to meet my current hero, Qwerty Seymore, more than anything. But will you pay for it? Will you even give a damn, at this stage? Doubtful.

Qwerty Seymore by Gino

To me, it's more like introducing a friend to other friends. You see, whoever I invent, they are like real people to me. Like I am taking a long peek at them through a keyhole in the door to another universe. Oh gosh, I've just realised I'm kind of a stalker...

Rewind. It's a hobby. If it ever turns into a profitable business, fantastic. But right now I just feel the need to do it and that's that. I think about it in terms of Jeremy Wade. That's the guy who runs the show called "River Monsters". I mean, the man actually got us interested in fishing. He's done it for 20 years and finally he and his rod (his fishing rod...) are entertaining us on TV. By the way, has anyone noticed he's only ever got one shirt? Not that he's less sexy because of it...

Jeremy Wade, the host of the "River Monsters" show. And a tiger fish he caught. Ladies, that's the man who can provide!
Where was I? Right, hobby. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you really love doing something, just keep doing it, until everybody else catches up. And have fun.

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